Monday, March 5, 2012


With less than 1 week left of my time here in Penang, I have entered the 'last time...." mode.  So, here is how I spent my last Saturday here in Penang......
Spent the morning preparing my presentation for the mothers & babies at the local Mother-to-Mother Peer Support group - a breastfeeding support group started with one of the previous ILCA/WABA fellows.  Apparently some of the moms requested that I talk to them about how to make more milk for their babies - low milk supply is a common problem for mothers everywhere, it seems.
I'm sure that there are many reasons that women in Malaysia don't achieve exclusive breastfeeding rates recommended by WHO and health experts worldwide - returning to full-time work within 3 months of delivery; heavy marketing of infant and child (the companies here really push the "growing formula" products for toddlers and preschoolers because they are banned by law to advertize infant formula) formula; cultural expectations, lack of support from family and friends.  There are the same reasons that women in the U.S. don't achieve WHO recommendations.
One key piece is new mothers' lack of knowledge with what 'normal' breastfeeding behaviors are, and what healthy growth for a young infant should look like. Many times new mothers start feeding their infants formula because they mistake normal breastfeeding behaviors for indications that the baby is unsatisfied with breastmilk.  So I focused on explaining a little of how the process of milk production works (the 'supply and demand' process), and a bit on the importance of getting off to a good start in terms of 'building a big factory'.
MMPS leaders were very welcoming
The MMPS group meets from 3-5pm on the first Saturday of every month in a pre-school classroom of the local YMCA.   I had actually attended their meeting the first Saturday I was here (the first Saturday of February) but the gathering that month had been fairly small - maybe 8 folks.  This month the leaders had advertized my 'talk' on their Facebook page, and so there were quite a few first-timers in attendance.
The meeting went pretty well, I think, although I worry that I did too much talking and not enough listening,,,,,  there were over 25 moms, babies, and expectant moms, plus a few dads and one or 2 grandmoms.  A few of the new mothers were having some breastfeeding problems for which they asked my insight and assistance. 
I walked to and from the YMCA (where the meeting is held) and I arrived a little bit ahead of the group, so i was able to check out the hostel arruangements there at the Y.  The facility is very nice - secure and clean.  rooms have air conditioning, showers, internet access.  But no cooking facilities.  I was thinking that I wouldn't mind staying at the Y if I were to come another time to help WABA.  But the 'no cooking' could be an issue.

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